Latest Episodes

049 Professor Mpine Makoe
Professor Mpine Makoe is dedicated to opening access to education, and her work in mobile education serves to support students toward understanding. Her approach...

048 Professor Börje Holmberg
Professor Börje Holmberg is a pioneer in the area of distance education – and his perspectives on learning design, education and a system and...

047 Professor Michael Sankey
Professor Michael Sankey has two decades' experience in online and distance education. His work as a practitioner, thinker and facilitator have assisted universities across...

046 Professor George Siemens
Professor George Siemens is a clear and articulate voice in online learning. His work extends across connectivism, MOOCs and analytics. His perspectives, practice and...

045 Dr David Wiley
Dr David Wiley is Chief Academic Officer of Lumen Learning. He has a long history of advocacy for open learning and OER, that includes...

044 Professor Mark Brown
Professor Mark Brown is Ireland's first Chair in Digital Learning and Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning, based in Dublin. Mark has...