Dr Wayne Mackintosh is founding director of the OER Foundation, UNESCO / ICDE Chair in OER and coordinator of the OERu, the Open Education Resources universitas. Wayne’s impressive commitment to openness in all its forms – especially open education – is based on a rich background in distance and online learning.
Interview: https://episodes.castos.com/onlinelearninglegends/016-Wayne-Mackintosh-Final.mp3 | recorded February 2019
NOTE that the interview is expressly released under a CC-BY-SA licence.
Wayne’s online profile: http://wikieducator.org/User:Mackiwg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/waynemackintosh/
Wayne’s Mastodon account: https://mastodon.oeru.org/@mackiwg
Selected publication and presentation (free to access):
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Professor Som Naidu is internationally renowned for his scholarship in Open, Flexible, Distance and Online Learning, most notably as Executive Editor of the journal...