Latest Episodes
067 Associate Professor Michael Barbour
Associate Professor Michael Barbour is a specialist in K12 education, and the potential for asynchronous online education to make successful graduates. His scholarship is...
066 Dr Dianne Conrad
Dr Dianne Conrad is a retired but active scholar and teacher in online education following a long post-secondary career at Canadian universities. Dianne’s multiple...
065 Professor Airina Volungevičienė
Professor Airina Volungevičienė is well known across Europe and beyond for her work in distance learning and teaching, and her commitment to technology enhanced...
064 Professor Phill Dawson
Professor Phillip Dawson is an international expert in online assessment and the flipped classroom, with a broad interest in online education. He is Associate...
063 Dr Tony Mays
Dr Tony Mays joined COL as Education Specialist: Open Schooling in February 2019. Throughout his career, Tony has been involved with the strategic leadership...
062 Dr George Veletsianos
Leaders & Legends of Online Learning 062 Dr George Veletsianos Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds...